A Complete Guide to Understanding the Price of Activated Carbon Per Ton

1. Introduction

What activated carbon is and why it is used

Activated carbon is a highly porous carbon that has been treated with oxygen to form millions of tiny pores between the carbon atoms. These pores increase the surface area of the carbon, making it very effective in adsorbing various substances in liquids and gases. Activated carbon is used in a variety of industries and applications such as water treatment, air purification, chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing, food and beverage production, H2S removal, environmental remediation and gold recovery.

Brief overview of the factors that affect the price of activated carbon per ton

The price of activated carbon per ton can be influenced by a variety of factors, including:

Raw materials

The type and quality of the raw materials used in the production of activated carbon can impact its price. For example, activated carbon made from coconut shells is generally more expensive than activated carbon made from coal.

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing process for activated carbon can also impact its price. For instance, if a more energy-intensive process is used, it may result in a higher price per ton of activated carbon.

Market demand and supply

The laws of supply and demand play a crucial role in determining the price of activated carbon per ton. If the demand for activated carbon increases and the supply cannot keep up, prices may rise. Conversely, if the supply of activated carbon exceeds the demand, prices may drop.

Application and quality

The intended application of activated carbon can affect its price. Activated carbon used in applications that require higher purity, such as in the food and beverage industry, may be more expensive than activated carbon used in less demanding applications. Additionally, the quality of the activated carbon can also influence its price.

Geographic location

The price of activated carbon per ton can also vary depending on the geographic location of the buyer and seller. Transportation costs and import/export regulations can all contribute to differences in pricing.

Volatility of raw material prices

The prices of raw materials used to produce activated carbon can fluctuate, and this volatility can impact the price of activated carbon per ton.

2. Raw Materials

Most commonly used raw materials for activated carbon production

Activated carbon is produced from a variety of raw materials, each with unique characteristics that can affect the quality and performance of the final product. The most commonly used raw materials for activated carbon production include coconut shell, wood and coal.

Activated carbon raw material types and quality coconut, coal, wood

Coconut shell is one of the most popular raw materials for activated carbon production because of its high carbon content, low ash content, and abundance in tropical regions. Known for its excellent adsorption properties, coconut shell-based activated carbon is often used in the water treatment and air purification industries.

Wood is another raw material widely used in activated carbon production, with the most commonly used species being maple, birch and oak. Wood-based activated carbon is often preferred in applications where high purity is required, such as in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Coal is a more affordable raw material for activated carbon production than coconut shell and wood, making it a popular choice for large-scale industrial applications. Coal-based activated carbon is often used in water treatment projects and is also used for air purification, solvent recovery, and food and beverage applications.

The impact of the type and quality of raw materials on the price of activated charcoal

The type and quality of raw materials used to produce activated carbon have a significant impact on its price per ton. The cost of raw materials usually represents a significant portion of the total production cost. Some of the factors that affect the cost of raw materials include availability, quality and processing costs.

The most common raw materials used to produce activated carbon include coconut shell, wood, coal and petroleum coke. Activated carbon made from coconut shells is generally considered to be of the highest quality due to the high carbon content and low ash content of the raw material. However, activated carbon based on coconut shell is usually more expensive than activated carbon made from other raw materials, such as coal or wood.

The quality of the raw material can also have an impact on the price per ton of activated carbon. High-quality raw materials usually result in high-quality activated carbon, which may be more expensive due to the increased cost of the raw materials and the additional processing steps required to ensure that the final product meets certain specifications. For example, Taixi anthracite from Ningxia, with its high carbon content, low ash and low sulfur, produces high quality columnar activated carbon and granular carbon, and the cost of raw materials can be on the high side.

The cost of processing raw materials also affects the price per ton of activated carbon. More difficult to process or more expensive raw materials may result in a higher price for the final product. For example, coal-based activated carbon may require additional processing steps to remove impurities and ash, which may increase the cost of production.

In summary, the cost of raw materials, quality and processing costs all have an impact on the final price of activated carbon. The raw materials used to produce activated carbon must be considered when assessing the cost and quality of the final product.

Factors that influence the cost of raw materials

Several factors affect the cost of raw materials used to produce activated carbon. These factors include:


The availability of raw materials has a significant impact on their price. For example, coconut shell or high quality wood may be more expensive than more readily available raw materials (bituminous coal, anthracite).


The quality of the raw material also affects its price, with high-quality raw materials usually costing more.

Geographic location

The location of the raw material source can also affect its price. Raw materials that are available in large quantities in a particular region may be less expensive due to lower transportation costs. Conversely, raw materials that need to be transported over long distances may be more expensive due to transportation costs. In China, where coal reserves are abundant, it will be more advantageous to produce coal-based activated carbon.

Exchange rates

The exchange rate between the currencies of the countries where raw materials are produced and the countries where they are used can also affect their prices. Fluctuations in exchange rates can cause the price of raw materials to go up or down, depending on the direction of the change.

Impact of exchange rate on activated carbon

3. Manufacturing Process

How the manufacturing process affects the price of activated carbon per ton

The manufacturing process of activated carbon is a complex and multi-step process that involves several factors that can affect the final price per ton. The following are some of the ways in which the manufacturing process affects the price of activated carbon:

Production Volume

Production volume can affect the price of activated carbon. Higher production volumes can often result in lower unit costs. Manufacturers that produce activated carbon on a large scale can take advantage of volume purchasing and lower production costs to offer lower prices.

Equipment and Technology

Modern, efficient equipment can produce activated carbon at a lower cost because of higher productivity, better quality control and reduced energy consumption. ZHULINCARBON is always improving equipment and processes as a way to improve quality and market competitiveness.


Activation Methods

The activation method used in the manufacturing process can also affect the price of activated carbon. There are two main activation methods: chemical activation and physical activation. Chemical activation requires the use of chemicals such as phosphoric acid, which can increase the cost of production. Physical activation, which uses high temperatures and steam, can reduce costs, but may require more energy.

Quality Control

Manufacturers who implement stringent quality control measures to ensure that their products meet specific quality standards may charge higher prices. On the other hand, manufacturers who do not implement stringent quality control measures may offer lower prices.

Special Processes

Additional manufacturing processes can also increase the final price of activated carbon, such as water-washed, acid-washed, and impregnated grades of activated carbon, as well as carrier activated carbon, which can fluctuate greatly in price.

4. Market Demand and Supply

How the laws of supply and demand influence the price of activated carbon

The law of supply and demand plays an important role in determining the price per ton of activated carbon. When the demand for activated carbon increases and the supply is limited, the price of activated carbon tends to increase. Likewise, when demand for activated carbon decreases and supply is adequate, the price tends to decrease. There are several factors that can influence the supply and demand for activated carbon.

The demand for activated carbon is influenced by market trends. For example, the increasing use of activated carbon in gold recovery can increase the demand for activated carbon.

Economic Factors

The economy can influence the demand for activated carbon. A strong economy and increased industrial production can lead to increased demand for activated carbon. Conversely, a weak economy and a decrease in industrial production can reduce the demand for activated carbon.

Availability of raw materials

The availability of raw materials can affect the supply of activated carbon. If there is a shortage of raw materials used to produce activated carbon, the supply of activated carbon will decrease, resulting in higher prices.


The level of competition in the market can affect the price of activated carbon. If there are many suppliers of activated carbon, competition can drive the price down.

Factors that affect the supply of activated carbon, including import/export regulations and production capacity

The supply of activated carbon can be affected by several factors, including import/export regulations and production capacity. Let’s discuss these factors more closely.

Import/export regulations

Government import/export regulations can affect the supply of activated carbon. For example, if a country increases tariffs on imported activated carbon, it can make it more expensive for manufacturers to import activated carbon, resulting in a decrease in supply. Likewise, if a country enacts an export ban on activated carbon, it can lead to a reduction in supply, which can lead to an increase in the price of activated carbon. In Europe, importing activated carbon requires a REACH certificate, which also makes it more difficult for many companies to import.

Production capacity

The production capacity of activated carbon can affect the supply of activated carbon. If production capacity is limited, this will lead to a shortage of activated carbon, resulting in higher prices.

Activated carbon production capacity

Fluctuation of demand

Fluctuations in demand can also affect the supply of activated carbon. For example, if demand increases suddenly, supply may not be able to keep up, leading to a shortage of activated carbon and higher prices. However, if demand decreases, this can lead to a surplus of activated carbon, resulting in lower prices.

5. Conclusion

The importance of learning about activated carbon prices for buyers and sellers

Understanding the factors that affect the price per ton of activated carbon is critical for both buyers and sellers of this material.

For sellers, understanding the various factors that influence activated carbon prices is critical to setting appropriate prices, optimizing production processes, and competing effectively in the marketplace. With a better understanding of the market and the factors that drive activated carbon prices, sellers can develop more effective strategies to manage costs and improve profit margins.

For buyers, a clear understanding of the various factors that influence price can help them make informed purchasing decisions. We recommend that customers stay in communication with the manufacturer so they can keep an eye on price changes, as well as shipping costs, exchange rates, etc. Ultimately, we hope our customers can purchase activated carbon products at a reasonable price

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